Explore how PriceHubble’s extensive property data can provide valuable insights for your needs. Our team is ready to guide you through how our comprehensive data solutions can enhance your understanding of the real estate market. Connect with us to discover how our in-depth property information and market analysis can help you make the right move and drive better outcomes.

Our property data powers innovative solutions to banks, mortgage lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders in the real estate cycle

Property valuation and market analysis
Transform property data into valuable insights for informed decision-making. Access real-time market datasets for specific properties or an entire portfolio using our real estate data. Conduct in-depth market research and access essential property information. Gain comprehensive property insights into its neighbourhood, including demographics and infrastructure.

Energy performance and renovation costs
Unlock the potential of ESG business opportunities with our database. Our property data enables accurate estimations of energy ratings, renovation costs, and precise predictions of property value impacts. Instantly assess EPC ratings for any property in seconds, providing valuable insights into energy efficiency. Prioritise energy-efficient upgrades and maximise property value with actionable estimates.

Easy-to-integrate property data API
Companies in the real estate sector can find it challenging to integrate real estate data into their platforms and workflows. PriceHubble’s solutions are available as standardised API endpoints, making the integration smooth and easy. Seamlessly incorporate property valuation capabilities into your workflows or enrich your existing datasets with accurate real estate data.
Comprehensive and reliable property data for informed decision-making

Accurate and reliable data
Trustworthy insights derived from meticulously curated and verified data sources.

Comprehensive coverage
Extensive data coverage across various property types, locations, and markets.

Timely updates
Real-time data updates ensure you have the latest information for agile decision-making.

Actionable insights
Data-driven recommendations and trends analysis empower proactive strategies and informed decisions.

Unlock new revenue streams with property data
Discover how embedding real estate data into your digital ecosystem and customer journeys can drive growth.
Unlock the power of property data insights
FAQ about property data solutions
PriceHubble offers cutting-edge property data solutions that leverage our proprietary algorithm to provide the sharpest automated valuation model on the market. We collect, organise, and analyse an extensive range of data points related to the residential real estate market. Our database is one of the largest in the industry, covering countries like England, Scotland, Germany, France and many more. Follow us on social media to stay updated with the newest developments and enhancements to our solutions.
Our property valuation service uses a sophisticated algorithm to deliver accurate and reliable property price assessments. We analyse a wide range of data sources, including government and public datasets, to provide precise valuations and insights for properties.
PriceHubble gives access to a variety of property data, including but not limited to:
- Market analysis and trends
- Key property metrics
- Demographic, economic, and infrastructure insights on specific postcodes
- Real-time market datasets
- EPC data
- And more!
Our property data solutions are accessible via easy-to-integrate API endpoints. This allows you to seamlessly incorporate our property valuation functions and enrich your existing datasets with accurate real estate data, enhancing your property investment strategies and risk management thanks to our property data and underwriting APIs.
Absolutely! PriceHubble’s data services allow you to create high-quality property and housing market reports. These reports can be customised and exported as PDFs or shared digitally via website pages, making it easy for you to present your findings to clients and enhance customer loyalty.