Portfolio Analyser
Portfolio Analyser has been built for institutional investors and real estate professionals who want to analyze and manage their housing portfolios.
- Easily upload 1000s of properties or buildings. In a matter of seconds, you will get an accurate price and rent valuation for each property.
- Need to drill further? You are one click away from a deep dive market analysis for each building and property.
Portfolio upload
- Upload the list of properties or buildings using the PriceHubble Excel template. Upload them as one portfolio or divide them up by region, type, etc to get a more granular analysis.
Accurate valuation
- In a few minutes, our proprietary Automated Valuation Model provides you with an accurate price and rent valuation for each property. Analyse up to 10K assets per portfolio. In two clicks, you can export it back to an excel format.
Building or property report
- Need to drill further? You are one click away from a deep-dive market analysis at the building or property level: comparables, market trends, socio-economics, amenities, accessibility, building projects, and more.
Report sharing
- Simply share your building or property report through an URL accessible from anywhere or export the data as an excel file to dive even deeper into the numbers.
Custom integration
- Use Portfolio Analyser through our web app or use our API. You can build an integration that pulls data and insights directly into your processes.
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