Determine market value of any property in seconds
Accurately determine the current market price or rent of any residential property within seconds. Conduct detailed market analyses, see a property's value development over time, observe the YOY price evolution, and check out the average price per sqm –– all in one, easy-to-use tool.
Great functionality for you to leverage

In-app listings
See all active and expired ads for similar properties including insights on price history. Use our range of filters to refine your results.

Contextual insights
See socio-economic data, POIs, amenities, building permits and accessibility –– all directly within Property Analyser because context matters!

Value-sensitive inputs
We've built in value-sensitive inputs that show the impact different property features have on price.

ESG Insights
Get critical ESG insights pertaining to real estate so that you can understand the status quo as well as the current and future impact energy will have on your assets.
Get the data, create reports
All addresses analysed can be turned into comprehensive reports which can easily be shared internally via PDF or digitally. What’s more every report can also be exported as a csv (EXCEL) file giving you the full flexibility you need to analyse the market as you see fit.
Reach your strategic objectives
Buy? Hold? Sell? Renovate? Build?... Where? Property Analyser is packed with an array of diverse real estate data, packaged so that all insights can be leveraged, enabling you to reach your business goals.

Supercharge your workflows with native integrations
We've made it easy to make PriceHubble a core part of your daily business by developing native integrations between our cutting-edge technology and the tools that you rely on every day; from property management software, to CRMs and marketing automation with still more to come…
Try it out for yourself
We all know that the proof is in the pudding, so don’t take our word for it, try it out for yourself! Get your demo of Property Analyser today.