Determine the market value of any building in seconds
Accurately determine your building's value in seconds. With Building Analyser, your get an at-a-glance view of the total sum of all units in a building in terms of market price and rent thus enabling you to quickly get an estimation of your buildings worth. Easily switch between building and unit view depending on what you'd like to analyse.
Great functionality for you to leverage

In-app listings
See all active and expired ads for similar properties including insights on price adjustments. Use our range of filters to refine your results.

Contextual information
See socio-economic data, POIs, amenities, building permits and accessibility –– all directly within Building Analyser because context matters!

Value-sensitive inputs
We've built in value-sensitive inputs that show the impact different property features have on price.

Quick insights
For every building you analyse, you get an overview of the price, rent and yield as well as the time it would take to sell or rent calculated based on other offers on the market.
Analyse the market
Conduct detailed market analyses, see your property's value development over time, observe the YOY price evolution, and check out the average price per sqm –– all these insights at a building level in one, easy-to-use tool.Create new or upload existing building(s) and analyse
Create a building report complete with all building info and units and get an accurate figure of its current market value. If you already have all your building information, simply upload your csv. file and get a data-dense report with a detailed analysis of your building.Includes access to Building Simulator
Simulate your future building and then get the estimated new sale or rent price. Play around with multiple floors and flat sizes to find the best layout. PriceHubble provides you with data at such a granular level that you’ll be able to see and explain the difference in price between apartments with different layouts.

Supercharge your workflows with native integrations
We've made it easy to make PriceHubble a core part of your daily business by developing native integrations between our cutting-edge technology and the tools that you rely on every day; from property management software, to CRMs and marketing automation with still more to come…
Interested in finding out more?
Contact us for a demo and find out how you can leverage exclusive residential real estate insights to analyse your buildings today.