Quickly assess an opportunity. Instantly view affordability metrics, rents, prices, local amenities and demographics in any UK housing market with interactive charts, tables, maps, reports and infographics.

Analytics to support portfolio strategy, identify target locations and underwrite rental values
Robust evidence of local rental market values, affordability metrics and renter demographics.
Evaluate opportunities
Underwrite rents and rental potential
Metrics and analytics of rental market conditions in any local area. Gather evidence to support rents in unproven locations, based on incomes, affordability, migration and journey time analysis.
Monitor portfolios
Benchmark your portfolios against the wider market to monitor performance against new lettings, based on rental growth, rent percentile, demographic profile and affordability.
Consultancy services
Our team of analysts undertake bespoke commissions for more in-depth studies including Rental Potential and Market Profiles. Our City Model is designed to guide portfolio strategy by ranking locations according to their potential for rental performance. It is based on around 40 housing, economic and demographic data variables.
The Rental Market Analytics dataset —10 years of transaction history
7.8 million lines of data
50,000 new lines of data per month
Achieved rents and asking rents
Around 50% of all achieved rents and full coverage of asking rents
Age, income, affordability, employment
Demographics at renter and household level
Affordability tracker
Our monthly UK Affordability Tracker, published by the Office for National Statistics and regularly featured in the FT and BBC monitors trends in average affordability.
Health Check: An assessment of health workers living in private rental homes
There are around 1.4 million NHS workers across England. In 2023, one in 20 renters starting new tenancies in the UK were employed in the NHS. These key workers often have anti-social hours and are relatively low-paid. The urgent need to offer affordable housing is widely recognised and there is growing interest from investors and providers in addressing this need. Key findings: 1 in 20 renters starting new tenancies in 2023 were employed in the NHS. On average, NHS workers live 3.6 miles from work compared to 6.2 miles for other renters. 78% of homes rented in the private rental sector would be beyond the budget for a single-income household earning £31,514 pa.
Who Lives in Build-to-Rent?
The ‘Who Lives in Build to Rent?’ report shows the rising popularity of the UK’s Build to Rent (BTR) sector across an increasingly broad range of renters. Produced as a partnership between PriceHubble, British Property Federation, Association for Rental Living (ARL) and BusinessLDN, the 2024 'Who Lives in Build-to-Rent' report explores data from 32,000 renters in BTR units and an additional 9,000 renters in single-family homes. PriceHubble conducted the analysis in the report. The report’s benchmarking analysis for the wider private rental market is based on our Dataloft Rental Market Analytics dataset, the UK’s most comprehensive source of achieved rents and renter demographics. Find out more here.
Is it more affordable to rent or buy a home in the UK?
Amidst the ongoing debate about the affordability of the property market in the UK, our latest study provides insightful findings. It gives an overview of the correlation between the share of income spent on renting and purchasing a home in the top ten largest and most expensive cities of the UK. What you will find in this study: An overview of the affordability of homes in the UK's ten largest and most expensive cities Insights into the evolution of affordability between 2021 and 2023 Precise data on the share of income spent on renting vs paying mortgage in the top 10 cities of the UK
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In the press | BBC - Families forced into smaller homes
In our latest collaboration with the data-journalist team at the BBC, we provided analysis of the rental market for families. It showed how their average size of home has shrunk over the past 3 years as rents have risen. Accurate data, thoughtful insight and balanced reporting are critical when the pressing need for more homes in the UK is under such scrutiny.