Value property and analyse the market in seconds
Accurately determine the current market price or rent of any residential property within seconds. Check out comparable offers and get a full picture of all active and expired ads for similar properties. Conduct detailed market research and analyse total days on the market, a property’s value development over time and more. All this in one, easy-to-use tool.
Create property and market reports that will WOW customers
Property Advisor is packed with an array of diverse real estate data, packaged so that all insights can be leveraged to tell your story. Every report can be exported via PDF or shared digitally as a slick website page. You have a simple and easy way to create stunning, custom marketing collaterals that match your corporate image, build trust and show off your extensive market knowledge. Simply login and voilà.
Try it out for yourself!
We all know that the proof is in the pudding, so don’t take our word for it, try it out for yourself! Get your demo of Property Advisor today.
Great functionality for you to leverage

Powerful AVM
Property Advisor valuations are powered by our market-leading AVM. Get the market value of any property quickly.

Contextual insights
See socio-economic data, POIs, amenities, building permits and accessibility –– because context matters!

In-app listings
See all active and expired ads for similar properties. Our range of filters allow you to refine results.

CRM integrations
Integrate our solution into your software or CRM of choice for a seamless experience.
You’re in the driver’s seat
Property Advisor comes fully-loaded with functionality that enable you to tell your unique story, complete with full control and maximum flexibility. Edit your valuations, add descriptions, show or hide information, insert attachments, and showcase similar offers. You get the substance you need to build winning pricing strategies and sell more properties. Once you’re done, export and share.

Supercharge your workflows with native integrations
We've made it easy to make PriceHubble a core part of your daily business by developing native integrations between our cutting-edge technology and the tools that you rely on every day; from property management software, to CRMs and marketing automation with still more to come…
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Accessible via web browser OR API
Get your free demo today!
Get a demo of Property Advisor and see how you can start leveraging exclusive real estate insights in your business.
Case Studies

Real Estate Agent, Switzerland
Tamara Häsler, Managing Director and owner of Häsler Immobilien AG, tells us why she relies on PriceHubble’s digital solutions and how her clients benefit from them.
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